
Magical outdoor winter

The cooler season offers endless opportunities for magical moments in the garden or on the patio. Find out here how easy it is to enjoy outdoor living with wind, weather or winter sun.
Magical outdoor winter

Make preparations and plan ahead. But also enjoy good times together – the winter months have more to offer than you think.

The garden furniture has been stowed away, non-hardy plants wrapped up; the lawn has had its last cut of the year and odd bits of pruning have been taken care of. But that doesn't mean that you now have to retreat indoors. Because the winter half-year has plenty of magic in store. The days are getting shorter, the evenings cooler, and the twinkling stars often appear to be within arms' reach.

A fire, a fondue, a few friends – all you need for an unforgettable evening under a crystal-clear sky. Winter is glorious in the daytime too, of course. In the fresh air, it's such a pleasure to soak up the winter sun. And, beneath a glass roof, that can even bring back a touch of summer.

Winter – time for some garden planning.

You're sitting wrapped up warm and snug on your patio or in the garden, sipping a nice cup of tea. It's the best time to start planning the garden for the next season.

Cutting back your plants is an important step towards a lovely garden. Because pruning helps plants to thrive beautifully. In late autumn, you should use caution; then in spring, you can cut back more vigorously. Early flowering plants are pruned in autumn; late bloomers get their turn in spring. When it turns cold in winter, it's better not to do any cutting to avoid harming the plants. There's something particularly contemplative about gardening in winter.

As you prune your plants, you always find ideas taking shape for all the other things you would like to do with your garden or patio. And there's enough time for planning, so that when spring comes you've got everything ready for the summer half-year.

Winter – the best time for planning sun and weather protection.

Why is winter the ideal time to think about a new awning? While it's still cold outside, there's plenty of time for careful planning – so that you can enjoy the first warm days of spring without a care in the world. After the summer, many people finally decide to tackle the project “new awning”, “pergola” or “garden pavilion”. But often it is postponed over the winter - until spring, when it becomes clear that customized solutions take more time. Use the winter months for relaxed planning. We are happy to help you with this.

STOBAG sun and weather protection is made to individual requirements. A specialist partner will come to you, take measurements and, if necessary, also help with the building permit. You can also choose from a variety of fabrics, materials, colors and operating options. It takes a little time to ensure that your outdoor project meets your exact requirements, but the result will be perfect.

If you start planning now, you can look forward to a relaxed start to the outdoor season. So why not plan an awning, a pergola or a glass roof as a special Christmas present for yourself or your family? Then there's nothing to stop you from inaugurating it at Easter.


Getting sun protection fit for winter use.

It's not only plants or garden furniture that need to be carefully prepared for winter. Pergolas, glass roofs and awnings can also be enjoyed for longer if they are cared for with a few simple steps. However, this doesn't mean you have to put everything into winter storage. Because even during the winter months, sun protection is important for your quality of life at home, both indoors and outdoors. After an intense summer, an awning, pergola or glass roof has been through a lot. Now it is time to clean the fabric, slats or glass of pollen and leaves or insect and bird residues. You can find out more about how to do it here.

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Cassette awnings – perfect for the winter.

Winter storage is child's play with a STOBAG cassette awning. After cleaning and sufficient drying, the awning is simply retracted back into its box and thus protected from the winter weather.

However, you may neither have a cassette awning nor enjoy the benefit of structural protection of your awning. No problem. There are suitable protective covers for free-standing sunshade systems. Often these even fit systems that were not produced by STOBAG. We recommend asking your nearest specialist partner for details.

Why sun and UV protection makes sense in winter too.

Even in winter, the sun packs a punch – and not only on the sun terrace in the ski area. Even if you're sitting behind a window, UV radiation penetrates the glass and hits your skin. Whether for indoor or outdoor space, awnings provide sun protection in winter too, and often help save energy too.

Of course, in our latitudes the intensity of solar radiation is lower in the winter than in the summer due to the position of the sun. When calculating the right amount of protection provided by shade systems such as awnings, what's best for you depends on your personal risk profile and the level of UV radiation where you live. But it's clear that by using sun protection, the sun's rays can be perfectly dosed even in winter and so boost your quality of life.

Particularly in modern buildings with large glass façades, awnings provide both shade and effective UV protection at the same time. Textile vertical awnings are often a very good solution. The STOBAG range offers a variety of designs and fabric qualities. They are designed to the highest quality standard and can withstand any winter weather.

Banish the winter blues and safely enjoy the sun.

Don't compromise when it comes to quality of life. Your STOBAG specialist partner can show you which UV protection measures make sense for your building in each season. He will be happy to offer you suitable solutions in winter as well – whether for the perfect incidence of light in indoor rooms or for winter sun protection outdoors.